Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Will New Hampshire Lower The Blood Alcohol Limit to.05?

As you may or may not know the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) is putting pressure on drinking and driving by lowering the blood alcohol limit. As of right New Hampshire as well as 49 other states have a legal limit of .08. The NTSB voted earlier this year on lowering that tolerance by nearly 40% to.05. The board states this new law will lower the drunken driving related fatalities dramatically.

Many countries have implemented the .05 legal alcohol limit. After Europe lowered their limits to .05 they have seen a drop in traffic deaths contributed to drunken driving by more than half within 10 years since the new legal limit was adopted.

An alcohol concentration threshold of .05 will likely be meet strong resistance from states.  If the law passes the proposed .05 legal limit it will mean people will need to take a close look and monitor their alcohol content when out on the town.

So you may have to think strongly about having that 2nd glass of wine with dinner. Blood alcohol and breath tests vary for different people.

The level can be affected by many things:

• Fluid Ounces Consumed
• (Beer 12 Oz. Wine Glass - 4 Oz. 1 Shot -1.5 Oz.)
• Your Weight (Lbs.)
• Alcohol Percentage In Beverage (Beer - 4-4.5% Wine -15-20% 1 Shot -30-50%)
• Hours Consuming Drink

So what’s this mean?

Well a .05 limit might be about one drink for a woman weighing less than 120 pounds and approximately two drinks for a 160-pound man.

Blood alcohol content (BAC) or blood alcohol concentration is the concentration of alcohol in blood. It is usually measured as mass per volume. For example, a BAC of 0.02% means 0.2% (per mille) or 0.02 grams of alcohol per 100 grams of individual's blood, or 0.2 grams of alcohol per 1000 grams of blood. Use of a  BAC Calculator, (Blood Alcohol Calculator)* can give you an idea of what percentage of alcohol is in your blood.

* The Blood Alcohol Calculator is used for entertainment purposes only. Your actual blood alcohol concentration depends on a variety of additional factors, like genetic makeup, personal health, and recent food consumption. These results are rough estimates for an average person only. Do not rely on these results to drive or work.

Here is what you need to know. What is considered a drink?

• A drink is 12 ounces of beer
• 4 ounces glass of wine
• 1 ounce of 80-proof alcohol in most studies

Are Portable Breath Test Machines Accurate?

A problem with the portable breath test devices is that frequently they are not inspected or calibrated by a state official. Maintenance logs are not usually kept on these machines (at least we haven't seen any in the past 9 years). The paperwork is frequently lost by departments. Also, the portable breath test machines have a tendency of measuring the alcohol that may be in your mouth. Most standard police training books instruct officers to wait 20 minutes before they have someone take a preliminary/portable breath test – given that the machine can be thrown off by a recent sip of booze, mouthwash, and other contaminants. For more information on breath test machines contact a New Hampshire criminal defense attorney who is experienced with breathalyzers.


Kevin M. Tighe


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Motorcycle Week Laconia NH 2014 – Events Calendar

For over 90 years, the Laconia Bike Week has served up the biggest motorcycle rally in the United States, and this year is better than ever. From it's beginning 91 years ago to this year, the Laconia Bike Week in New Hampshire has been the hottest spot for all types of motorcycle enthusiasts and bikers to come together and have a good time with their fellow riders. Bikers also enjoy its fun filled events and shows. Keep in mind that the Laconia Bike Week for this year is starting on Father's Day, instead of ending on it as it normally does.

Laconia Bike Week Events

The Laconia Bike Week in New Hampshire is not only a meet up for motorcycle enthusiasts, but it is also host to some of the best bike events in the country. Special events include live concerts, bike shows, shuttle service, American Police Motorcycle Museum, bikini contests and arm wrestling. Find out information about these and other Laconia Bike Week events along with times and schedules at the following link: http://www.laconiamcweek.com/Schedule/

Obeying Motorcycle Laws And Tips On Avoiding DWI in New Hampshire

While you’re attending the 91st annual Laconia Motorcycle Rally in New Hampshire, remember to not only have a good time and make new friends, but to also be safe and obey the motorcycle laws to avoid a drunk driving conviction in NH. With plenty of access to various alcoholic drinks in the beer tents combined with the scorching sun, many bikers will drink. However, with these following tips, you can have a fun, safe day out at the rally without running into legal problems or accidents:

• Limit your alcohol intake. Responsible drinking leads to responsible riding.

• Make sure you complete a New Hampshire motorcycle training course from the DMV. The course doesn't cost that much and is a great way to learn about motorcycle laws and safety.

• Always wear a motorcycle helmet. Although the motorcycle laws in New Hampshire state that a helmet is not required, it is still important that you wear one to prevent serious injury.

• It is required by law that your headlight works properly, and that you wear eye protection unless you have a windshield.

• Always wear bright colors at night; this makes it easier for other vehicles to see you.

• Keep your ID with you at all times and make sure your motorcycle is insured.

• Slow down before approaching an intersection and look in both directions. Most accidents involving motorcycles occur when other vehicles make an unexpected left turn.

•If you are involved in an accident where you are seriously injured, contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney immediately.

Enjoy Bike week.  Be safe and sober, otherwise you will be calling me or someone like me to get you out of a mess.

Kevin M. Tighe
